Leinster Leader, May 9, 1931









 Football Challenge,


3 p.m.

Minor Football Challenge,

North Kildare v South Kildare, 4.15 p.m. 


 New Grounds will be formally declared Open at 2.45 p.m., summertime.


 ADMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-

SIDE LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 – EXTRA



To-morrow (D.V.) the powers that be of Gaelic in old Kildare will set up a headline in the centre of the county which shall stand as a testimony of their sincerity in their work and an encouragement to their successors when they themselves have resigned the reins  of office. This land mark will take the form of a new Gaelic park at Newbridge and at 2.45 in afternoon it will be opened not for a day or a year but for a guaranteed 12 years as covenanted in, a lease obtained from the State authorities by three years of dogged hammering.
It should be borne in mind that the cost of providing up-to-date grounds such as the new park at Newbridge is enormous. This park has cost in addition to a grant from the Leinster Council, the County Board no less than £400 and to make it perfect a still greater outlay is needed. In this regard however little fears of the extra work being carried need be entertained if the co-operation of the public and enthusiasm on part of our footballers are forthcoming.
Then, there is the question of the training. The expense also is enormous but it is unavoidable. To have a perfect footballer he must be perfectly trained. In this connection the Kildare County Board intended during this season to embark on an intensive programme of training. They intend to see to it that a team will be raised in the county which will raise the standard of the All Whites above that of any county in Ireland. They have the materials and with the present team built up they have every reason to hope that their ambition will be realised. But new blood has had to be introduced and this has now to be cultivated. A feature which must necessarily tax the now depleted county funds very heavily.
To-morrow at the opening of the new grounds the All Whites with some of the new players will try conclusions with Cavan. Cavan by the way are given their services to the Kildare County Board free of expense and it is to be hoped that their generous and sportsmanlike act will be shown appreciation by a heavy following from Kildare.
The teams are as follows: –
Cavan (Royal Blue) – W. Young, T. Crowe, T. Campbell, M. Denning, J. Molloy, P. Lynch, F. Fitzpatrick, H. O’Reilly, J. Rahill, P. McNamee, P. Colleran, J. Smallhorn, L.Blessing, T. J. Weymes, T. Coyle.
Subs – B. Fay, P. Phair, J. Farrelly, J. Murphy.
Kildare (All White) – T. Wheeler, J. Meaney, M. Goff, J.J Murphy, F. Malone, J. Higgins, P. Ryan, P . Matthews, P. Loughlin, P.Pringle, P.Martin, P. Byrne, D. Burke, J.P. Murphy, P.Waters.
Subs – P. Harrison, P. Higgins, P. Myles, T. Cahill and P. Hennessy.

An article and advert from the Leinster Leader, May 9, 1931 prior to the opening the next day of the new G.A.A. ground at Droichead Nua. The first match was Kildare v Cavan and the final result was;

Kildare 1 – 12 

Cavan   1 – 7

Re-typed by Killian Brennan

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758