New school planned for Prosperous

The County Kildare Vocational Educational Committee at a special meeting on Wednesday, approved of the sketch plans of the proposed new Vocational school at Prosperous, the Leinster Leader reported on 8 July 1939.

The C.E.O. said that the sketch plan had been approved by the Sub Committee consisting of Very Rev. Fr. Broughton, PP Caragh, and Mr. T. Harris TD.

It would now be forwarded to the Department for formal approval, together of the estimate of the cost. The architects, Messers. Downes, submitted an estimate of £2,600 to cover the entire cost of the new building.

In reply to a query the CEO said that they would have no electric light in the new building but lamps. Miss Darby: What was the cost of Castledermot?

CEO: £1,680 with extras amounting to £200. Miss Darby: It wouldn’t be over £2000? CEO: No it would be well under that.

Fr. Power: In the meantime the cost of building has gone up considerably. Mr. Smith: This is a larger and better school than Castledermot.

CEO; We have an acre and a half of ground there. Mr. Fitzsimons: We may get it built for less than the estimate when it is put for contract.

Mr. Sheehy, Departmental Inspector, who was in attendance, said that the Sub Committee had recommended a slight alteration in the plans, to delete the walls and doorways leading to the boys and girls cloakrooms. He would be inclined to agree with the recommendations.

The Chairman (Senator W. Cummins) remarked that if this were done, it would take away from the privacy of the cloakrooms. A terrible mistake in the old National Schools was that the clothes were hung up just inside the doorway and were steaming there all day if the weather had been inclement. This was very unhealthy. If they did not build the walls and doorways n the new Prosperous schools they would have the very same drawback. Mr Fitzsimons: It would make practically no difference to the contract price. It was decided to refer the matter back to the Sub-Committee recommending that no change be made.

Re-typed by Mary Murphy


Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758