Kildare Observer 28 March 1903


The antiquated structure which does duty as a courthouse, Town Commissioners’ meeting place, and for drivers other purposes, has long formed the subject of serious complaint from those whose business brings them within its four damp walls. The ugly building has still uglier surroundings, and it cannot be maintained with any degree of truth that the entrance steps are always in a sanitary condition. For the last fort-night there has been a leakage in the eave gutter over the public entrance to the apartment where justice is dispensed, and in the wet weather which we have been experiencing of late, it required a considerable exercise of skill to dodge the ready-made shower. Before the Petty Sessions commenced on Thursday, Major Hutchinson, R. M., observed a window open, and directed it to be closed. The window defied the efforts made to close it, and their worships had to sit out the Sessions in a miniature nor’easter. Something ought to be done to make the building more tolerable than it is at present. Its condition is a reproach to the town of Newbridge.     

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758