Newbridge Cycling Club, 1897

Kildare Observer 10 July 1897
Newbridge Cycling Club
A seventeen-mile road race was held by the Newbridge cycling club on last Sunday. The following were the starters – J. Devlin, scratch; R. Coffey, 1 min start; P. Naughton and Christopher Ryan, 2 min 45 secs start; Joe Bryan and T. Lee, 3 min start; and Commons, 4 min start. The race took place over what is known as the six-mile course, starting at the bridge across by the Victoria bridge, on to the Naas road and finishing at Hurley’s gate just at Newbridge cross-roads. The evening was very pleasant for outdoor exercise though the pretty stiff breeze which prevailed throughout militated against the making of very fast time. Notwithstanding, Devlin, who was paced by Tom Torsney, the flying policeman, and J. Deacon on a tandem, went the distance in 44 minutes – a very fine performance indeed – and passed the post the winner. Naughton was second 200 yards off. and Ryan third. The race requires little description. After five miles Devlin had collared his men and remained with them until the finishing stretch when he shot out and won as he pleased. He rode a Woods manufacture by M. T. of that ilk of Newbridge – a mount which for speed and durability it would be hard to beat.