Leinster Leader, May 8th 1948
Newbridge Man Wins D.C.M.
Anzio Bridgehead Bravery
Former Company Sergeant-Major Frederick Kelly, now Regt. Sergeant Major of the Royal Fusiliers, stationed at Armagh, to whom King George presented the D.C.M. at Buckingham Palace on November 10, is a native of Droichead Nua and a member of one of the best-known families in the district. Second son of the late James (“Stim”) Kelly, Ballymany, Sergeant Major-Kelly was decorated for gallantry and devotion to duty during operations in the Anzio Bridgehead on March 2nd, 1944. The Story behind the presentation is contained in the citation of award, which reads:-
“On 2nd March, 1944, C.S.M. Kelly was C.S.M. of “D” Company, the Royal Fusiliers (Princess Victoria’s), which was ordered on the evening to clear the enemy from a wadi at the area north-west of the Flyover Bridge, in the Anzio Bridgehead.
    “This was partially done, but owing to the darkness, the thickness of the scrub and casualties from the shell-fire, it was not possible to finish the job that night. The next day the remnants of the Company went forward to complete the job. Almost immediately the Company Commander received wounds from which he later died, and C.S.M. Kelly carried on, saw the task completed and remained to see that the position was held until it was possible to get reinforcements under cover of darkness.
     “Although wounded and under constant fire, he remained cheerful to the end, and his gallantry and devotion to duty was of the highest order and ensured that all the enemy were either killed or captured, and the station completely restored.
     “C.S.M. Kelly’s example of courage and his determination to see the task completed under the most trying conditions were beyond praise.”
       Since recovered and promoted, Sergeant-Major Kelly is now back in Ireland. His many friends and acquaintances in Droichead Nua congratulate him upon the well-merited honour bestowed upon him. A brother, also in the British army, is at present stationed in Palestine, while a sister, Mrs. B. Martin, resides at 848 Rathfield Cottages, Droichead Nua.

The Leinster Leader of 8th May 1948 reports on how a native of Droichead Nua and member of one of the best known families of the district Sergeant-Major Frederick Kelly, was decorated for gallantry and devotion to duty during operations in the Anzio Bridgehead  in March 2nd 1944.  Our thanks to Roy O’Brien.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758