The Nationalist and Leinster Times 9/4/1927
                                                Captain W.J. Minch
Deep and genuine regret was felt on all sides when, early last week, it became known that Capt. Wm. J. Minch, Rockfield, Athy, had passed to his reward, at the early age of 32 years. A man of most loveable character, generous and amiable, yet withal, gentle and unassuming, his death leaves a big blank, not only in his own family circle, where he was loved so well, but among the employees of the Firm and the public generally, with whom he was always a welcome guest. In his early life he was a most brilliant student, and carried off the highest honours in college without the slightest trouble, being gifted with a most unusual amount of intelligence. On leaving Clongwoes Wood College, he entered the University, Dublin, to take out a course of Engineering, and had almost gained his full degree when his studies were interrupted by the outbreak of the Great War. At the first call for volunteers, he joined the Connaught Rangers, and shortly afterwards went through a distinguished course of Morse heliograph and flagging, a very difficult thing to achieve considering the time at his disposal during the war crisis. He was extraordinarily popular with the rank and file of his Regiment, and his wonderful pluck and great calmness in times of danger had the effect of saving many a critical position and gaining for him the respect and admiration of his superior officers. His great deeds during the three years he spent in Mesopotamia and Palestine will go unrecorded save in the memories of those who fought beside him, as he himself, would never speak of his noble work; his watchword was simply “carry on”, and his greatest distress during those difficult times was the sufferings of his men with the tropical heat, the flies and the appalling water shortage. He was all through the Holy Land with General Allenby, and was in charge of the 1st Battalion of the Connaught Rangers on their return home from the East on the cessation of hostilities. His advanced knowledge of Engineering was of immense advantage to him in the Army, and he ranked high in the estimation of his superior officers as a man of extraordinary ability. His tutors in Trinity were deeply grieved on his return from the war to find that ill health had robbed them of a brilliant student, as he no longer felt the inclination to take up the trend of studies where he had left off.
His last illness was borne with great fortitude, without a murmur, his only worry being consideration for those he was leaving behind. Everyone was his friend, and not once in his life did he speak a derogatory word of anyone.
The funeral on Thursday, 31st inst. to Barrowhouse was immense, and represented most of the leading families in Kildare, Dublin, Leix and Carlow. The chief mourners were : – M.P. Minch, E.F. Minch, S.B. Minch, and G. Minch (brothers), N.W. Purcell, J.J. O’Connor, and S.J. Carroll (brothers-in-law). The hearse was covered with wreaths of natural flowers, and an immense one of great beauty was given by the Firm’s staff.
Over twenty priests assisted at the Office and Requiem Mass held in St. Michael’s Church at 11 o’clock, immediately before the funeral, and a large number of the general public were present. Thus is added one more noble young hero to the list of the war victims.
To the family and friends of deceased we tender our deep sympathy.

An obituary for Captain W.J. Minch is carried in The Nationalist and Leinster Times of April 1927.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758