Kildare Observer 22 August 1914



We hear the tread of Volunteers,

       The men are out for drill,

     We see them marching rank and file,

       From valley and from hill.


The music of the fife and drum

       Is carried on the air;

     The martial spirit, strong in man,

       Is kindled in Kildare.


Our Irish soldiers, staunch and brave,

       Second to none on earth,

     Whose splendid record fills with pride

       The land that gave them birth.


Always the best of fighting men,

       Ready to do or die,

     To storm the breach or hold the fort,

       Nor ask the reason why.


To-day they’ll follow where they’re led,

       And facing steel and gun,

     Fight as their valiant fathers fought,

       Win as their fathers won.


Our Volunteers in North and South,

       In East and West will stand,

     Shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot,

       To guard the Motherland,

     “The Flag that braved a thousand years

       The battle and the breeze,”

     Will wave above our Volunteers.

       At home and over-seas.

By M.D.

Re-typed by Hannah Mustapha

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758