Resolution of sympathy with the relatives of the late President Kennedy
Monday, 25 November 1963

The Chairman, M. St. Leger, announced that he proposed to move the adjournment of this Meeting of the County Council to another date and that no other business be transacted until the next Meeting of the Council. Proposing the resolution the Chairman, referred to the wave of horror, indignation, grief and sorrow that had swept across the world at the news of President Kennedy’s death, and he said those feelings would remain for a long time. That the sorrow was so strong in Ireland was only natural, as the dead President had been Irish to the core, a person proud of his Irish ancestry and Irish blood, as he had shown in his recent visit to this country. It was the courage and statesmanship of President Kennedy continued the Chairman, that had averted war, and, because he desired freedom and liberty for all men, he had striven to secure for every citizen of his country, regardless of colour and creed, the God-given rights enshrined in the constitution of the United States of America.
Deputy W. Norton seconding the Motion, recalled the first meeting with President Kennedy. ‘It was my privilege, many years ago, to meet him when he was a relatively unknown young senator,’ said Mr. Norton, ‘but in the discussions I had with him it was easy to discern that he was a man who seemed destined by his unbounded love of mankind, his restless courage and resolve and his brilliant intellect to bring peace to many parts of the world, to eliminate from our midst the horrible spectre of poverty.’ He became President of the United States of America at a time when many anxious minds and hearts feared that the world was drifting towards the brink of war. He had great courage and fearless resolve.
Councillor m. Cunningham endorsed the tributes and the expressions of sympathy and said that America had lost one of its greatest Presidents – if not the greatest one.
Councillor Mahon also associated himself with the resolution and tributes and said that Ireland had lost a beloved friend, one whose death had cast a deep gloom over the country.
The County Manager, on behalf of the Council officials and on his own behalf, associated himself with the resolution. ‘The world has known no greater champion in the cause of peace and freedom than he, and we pray that others will continue his great work until the causes and principles for which he lived and strove will be realised.’
The Resolution of Sympathy was then passed by the County Council and all present at the Meeting standing respectively.
On the proposition of Councillor Frayne, seconded by Councillor Malone, it was decided that the Council would attend, as a body, the 12 o’clock Mass the following day for the repose of the soul of President Kennedy.
The County Manager said that the County Council offices would be closed on Tuesday as a mark of respect.
It was unanimously agreed that the resumed Meeting of the County Council would take place on Monday next the 2nd December, 1963 at 2.30 p.m.

Kildare Co. Council passed a resolution of sympathy to the relatives of the late President Kennedy

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758