Sacred Concert at Monasterevan

Leinster Leader 12 May 1906

On Thursday evening of last week a sacred concert and cantata was held in the Methodist Church, Monasterevan, which proved to be a great performance. Every one of the artistes taking a part were most efficient, and they ably sustained the parts for which they were selected. Indeed, it may be truly said that not for a long time in Monasterevan has such an able and talented lot of artistes been heard or seen there. The concert opened with a short prayer by Rev. Wm. M. Wilson, followed by hymn 140, in which a large number of the audience joined. Song, “Ora Pro Nobis,” by Miss Collins, was rendered in a pleasing manner, and was received with much applause. Master Eric Wilson recited the “Siege of Derry.” The little artiste showed much dramatic ability, and on conclusion was loudly applauded. Song, “Have Faith in God,” was sweetly sung by Miss. G. Edghill. As it was Miss Edghill’s first appearance in public, she has every reason to feel proud of her performance. Miss B. Collins sang “The Holy City,” and also the song, “He wipes the tear from every eye.” The rendering of those two songs alone would well have repaid those present for their attendance. Song, “The Mission of a Rose,” was pleasingly rendered by Miss Wilson. Recitation, “One Nitch Higher,” was rendered by Mr. Bailey with much force and dramatic ability, and was cordially received. “The Harbour Bay” and “Star of my Soul” were sung by Mr. Proudman in such a manner as to receive the most generous applause. A short address by Mr. Boyall on inventions, living pictures, and funny pictures he had seen provoked much amusement and laughter. Song “Let me die like a Christian,” was very well rendered by Mr. Boyall, and was well received. “The Lost Chord” was rendered by Miss Collins in a highly creditable manner, the artiste receiving hearty approbation.

The cantata followed, the choruses and solos being listened to with rapt attention. All of the parts were perfectly rendered, the singing being exceptionally fine, and consisted as follows:-”The King in Zion.” Opening chorus “Let the Heavens Rejoice”; chorus, “Behold, the Lord will Come;” solo and chorus “The Song that shall never cease;” chorus, “Arise, shine, for thy light is come;” solo and chorus “Prepare ye the way of the Lord;” chorus “Break forth into joy;” solo and chorus, “Hosanna;” quartette, “There is a green hill far away;” chorus, “The stone is rolled away;” chorus “Blessing and honour.” The following took part in the Cantata:-Mrs. Proudman and the Misses B. Collins, G. Edghill, Collins, P.A. Holmes and Evans, and Messrs Proudman, Bailey, Holmes and Lindham.

On conclusion of the Cantata, the Rev. Wm. M. Wilson thanked the large audience for their presence, also Miss Holmes, who had devoted her time and energy towards the success of that evening’s entertainment, and the many kind friends, particularly those who had come long distances to help them.

Mr. Bailey said they all indeed should be proud of Miss Holmes. She had taken the whole work of that very successful concert on her shoulders. She went about quietly asking her friends to help. All present had heard and seen how she presided at the organ that evening. They had music and singing of a class which was excellent, and he thought the people of Monasterevan should be proud in having a young lady possessing the talents of Miss Holmes amongst them, and he would now ask the audience to show that they agreed with him by giving a hearty hand-clap for Miss Holmes. The invitation was most generously responded to several times, and the singing of “God Save the King” brought this most successful and high-class entertainment to a close.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758