Kildare Observer 5 May 1906

Serious Outbreak of Scarlatina
Thirty cases in Kildare

At the meeting of the Naas No.1 District Council on Wednesday, Mr. J. S. O’Grady (chairman) presiding, the clerk read the following correspondence from Dr. Rowan, dispensary medical officer, Kildare:-

      “Valetta, Kildare,
     April 21st, 1906.
“Dear Sir,-It has been reported to me to-day by the medical officer in charge of the troops at Kildare barracks that seven cases of scarlatina have occurred there since the 17th inst. They have all been, as soon as diagnosed, removed to the isolation hospital in the Curragh Camp. Disinfection of the quarters occupied by the affected persons has been adequately carried out by the medical officer in charge, who is instituting inquiries as to the probable source of the outbreak.”

Writing under date of 29th April, Dr. Rowan stated:- “I regret to have to report to the Naas Guardians the extension of the outbreak of scarlatina which I mentioned in my letter of last week as having first come under observation at the military barracks here. About thirty cases in all have been so far ascertained – twenty of these having occurred in the military quarters. Of the ten among the civil population in the town who were attacked, one, Brother Timothy of the Monastery National School, died this morning after three days’ illness. The military cases have been removed by the authorities to the fever hospital on the Curragh, but unfortunately we have no similar means of facilitating the check of the disease in the town. For those who are very ill, the long journey to Naas is inadmissible, even if they were willing to go there, so that the only steps we can carry out at present by way of isolation are to confine to their homes all the children of the houses in which the disease has appeared, and to close the schools, and this has been done. In my report of the outbreak to the Local Government Board I asked them whether it would not be possible, if the outbreak continued, to make some arrangements with the military authorities, whereby civilians could be admitted to the fever hospital on the Camp. Although it is to be hoped that this particular epidemic has already spent its force, nevertheless it is I think, a question of the gravest importance to the guardians and the public generally whether an isolation hospital, centrally located, should not be provided to receive persons stricken with infectious diseases, and thus confer on the community the only effective safeguard against their general dissemination.
“P.S.-In order to save time, I have this day communicated with the military authorities in reference to suggestion in my letter.”
R.O. Breslin was authorised to provide any assistance he may require for the punctual and efficient disinfection of any infected premises.
The following order was also made:-“That the council consider that the fever hospital at Naas should be as far as possible availed of.”

The Kildare Observer of 5 May 1906 reported on a serious outbreak of Scarlatina in Kildare Town

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758