Kildare Observer 12 September 1914

The Fight at Mons

Athy Soldier’s Experiences

A Dublin Fusilier who was wounded by a bit of German artillery shell and sent home to recuperate gives an interesting account of his experiences. He was on the reserve and on being called up proceeded with his regiment to Belgium, from whence they were hurried to the front. He was in Mons for the big battle fought there between the allied troops and the Germans. On the day of the battle they were just going to have breakfast when the enemy commenced to attack their forces. A fierce duel ensued between the guns, and the infantry also got the range. The artillery was on the road and the Dublin Fusiliers on the right wing in an adjoining field. The position becoming untenable, large numbers of men being killed in the Royal Irish Fusiliers and Royal Dublin Fusiliers as well as other units, a retirement was ordered. While carrying out this manoeuvre many were wounded and killed outright, and the subject of the interview was struck by a piece of a shell in the hip and knocked over. He was picked up by the Red Cross men and sent back to hospital for treatment. The hospital site had later to be abandoned owing to the vicinity of the Germans, and the wounded removed to France and from thence to Netley. Like all the soldiers who were in action, this man was impressed with the numbers the German authorities can keep in the field and the daring with which they faced the Allies. As quickly as they were picked off by the riflemen and mown down by the artillery fresh troops appeared in the vacant gaps. Speaking of the French soldiers and people he said they were over-whelmed with hospitality and kindness. He spoke in eulogistic terms of the Republican troops as comrades. His wound is healing slowly and, like all Irishmen, he is anxious to go out again to take a hand in the fighting.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758