Leinster Express 3rd June 1871
THE FUNERAL OF THE REV. GEORGE D. BLACKER MAYNOOTH. – There seldom has occurred such a demonstration of all classes and creeds in showing their appreciation of worth and benevolence as took place on Saturday morning last at the funeral of the above named reverend gentleman, in the town of Maynooth, county Kildare. The hearse and four horses had to proceed in advance without its customary burden, for the parishioners and friends of the deceased would carry his remains themselves all around the town, and to his honoured grave, followed by a long line of sorrowing relatives, and the carriages of the nobility and gentry, who themselves largely attended, and walked in the procession, the various public schools and educational institutions, in which the deceased was so much interested bringing up the rear. A considerable number of clergy of all denominations also attended, headed by the Very Rev. the Dean of St. Patrick’s Dublin, in which Cathedral the deceased held a prebendal stall. The solemn service was most impressively read by the Rev. George Studdert, rector of Ardee, a relative of the deceased assisted by the Rev. Mr.Fussell, curate of the parish, and the remains were deposited in the family vault of the Duke of Leinster, and at his urgent affectionate request his Grace thus closing a life-long series  of most cordial acts to a loved friend and school fellow, whose worth he so long appreciated. His Grace from indisposition was unable to attend, but the Marquis of Kildare followed the cortege, and joined in the service. The Leinster Mausoleum adjoins the church, of which the upper tower, an ancient portion of the Castle of the Geraldines, covered with luxuriant ivy, forms the belfry, while the lower story contains the vault.- Daily Express

The Leinster Express of 3rd June 1871 reports on the funeral of the Rev. George D. Blacker, Maynooth.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758