Kildare Observer 30 December 1933

Naas Military Funeral

The Late Capt. E. J. King

We deeply regret to announce the death, which took place at a Nursing Home in Galway, on Christmas Day, of Capt. Ed. Jos. King, son of the late Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Annie King, Sourdlestown, Naas.

Deceased, who was only thirty-six years of age, and came of a very well known and highly respected Co. Kildare family, was educated at the Christian Brothers’ Schools, Naas, later entering Blackrock College, and graduating from the National University after reading a brilliant medical course.  The Anglo Irish War was then at its height, and the young doctor threw himself enthusiastically into the conflict, taking a prominent part in the hostilities in the North.  He was appointed medical officer of the 2nd Northern Division, I.R.A., and was imprisoned in Derry Jail for ten months.  On the signing of the Truce, Dr. King joined the Saorstat Army with the rank of Lieutenant and had a very distinguished record.

His first post was St. Bricen’s Hospital, Dublin, and he was later transferred to the Curragh, where he became immensely popular with his fellow officers and men.  His departure to Cork was deeply regretted, but he later returned to his old post, from whence he was transferred a short time ago to Galway, where he succumbed after a short illness.

The remains were removed from Galway to the Church of Our Lady and St. David’s, Naas, on Tuesday evening, with full military honours.  The funeral to the New Cemetery, Naas, on Wednesday, was very large and representative.

Requiem Mass was celebrated at 10.30 by Rev. Fr. Bennett, C.C., and the other clergy present included Very Rev. L. J. Brophy, P.P., V.F., Newbridge; Rev. P. J. Doyle, C.C., Naas; Rev. Fr. Foynes, Carlow College; Fr. Fitzsimons, C.F., Curragh, and Fr. McLoughlin, C.F., Collins’ Barracks, Dublin.

Besides the great number of deceased’s comrade officers and men in attendance, there was an extremely large gathering of the general public, testifying to the high esteem and popularity in which deceased was held by the people of the town and district.

The gun carriage on which reposed the coffin, was wrapped in the tricolour; deceased’s cap, sword, and belt were laid beside him.  The carriage was preceded by a company of Infantry under the command of Capt. Tynan, and was followed by the firing party under Lieutenant Condran.  The No. 3 Army Band, Curragh, with muffled drums, under Sergt. Davis, came next, playing the dead march with martial precision.  A guard of honour of deceased’s comrade officers marched beside the carriage, and then the Cemetery was reached bore the remains to the graveside where the last prayers were recited by the Rev. L. J. Brophy, P.P.

The men then presented arms and fired three volleys over the grave, and the buglers sounded the sad lingering notes of the Last Post.

Among the officers present were: – Major General Joseph Sweeney, G.O.C. of the Curragh; Col. Liam Hayes, Adjt. General; Col. McKenna, Quarter Master General; Major McKenny, D.M.S.; Mjr. McNally, Capt. Fitzpatrick, Commandant Crean, Capt. McInerney, Capt. Kelly, Capt. Fahy, Capt. Nolan, etc., etc.  Commandant B. Dunne, Adjt. of Curragh District, had charge of the arrangements.

The chief mourners were:- Mr. Brian King (brother), Mrs. E. J. Cleary (sister), Mr. Ed. J. Cleary, Co.C. (brother-in-law); Mr. P. J. Kennedy, Trim (uncle); Mrs. Kennedy (aunt), Mr. and Mrs. B. Doyle, Dublin; Mr. Mark Deering and Mrs. Jos. Deering, Dunlavin; Rev. P. D. Deering, University Church, Dublin; Mr. John Nolan and Mrs. Nolan, Miss Rose and Miss Mary Nolan, Sourdlestown; Mr. J. Rooney, Trim; Miss Mary and Nancy Rooney, Dublin; Mrs. Daly and the Misses Daly, Mooretown.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758