The Leinster Leader 27 December 1951



“It is one of the proudest privileges of my life to live and minister among you!” These were the words used by the Rev. Father John Redmond, C.C., Moone, when he addressed a very large gathering of parishioners and their friends in Moone School on Tuesday evening, the concluding night of the Second Ring of Gold Cup. He had just been distributing over £80 worth of prizes, in cash and in kind, that night.
The prizes were scattered far and wide, for Dame Fortune partook of the nature of Santa Claus, and in true Christmas sprit she bestowed her favours over widely separated districts, for boundaries of parishes or of counties were no obstacle to her lavishness
The star prize of the night was a lovely three wave Pye radio set. Cash prizes in plenty came in quick succession, a ten pound note, two fivers, two fours, two threes, and three twos, and these were followed by four cases of wines, and eight large parcels of cigarettes, big enough not only to last through Christmas week, but also to see their lucky winners well through the begging of the first month of the New Year. Altogether, thirty-four people were made happier on this great night. The names of those who were fortunate enough to share in these prizes will be published in our next week’s issue.
   Father Redmond, in congratulating the winners, expressed his high appreciation of the great assistance which promoters and members in the Second Ring of Gold had given to augment the requisite funds for the repair and renovation of Moone Church. He said he did not know whom to praise most for the very edifying results-the committees responsible for the organisation of the Club, the hon. secretaries, treasures and promoters who worked so untiringly and who devoted their precious time so unselfishly in their weekly duties and collections, or the 1,800 members whose regular contributions week by week had helped to solve a big portion of the money problems, for without sufficient money the work of renovation would have to fall far short of their needs and of their wishes. Their membership was by no means confined to their own parishioners. The enrolment embraced a wide cross-section of many of the counties of Leinster, even across the Shannon to the Western coast of Connaught, and back again over the Irish Sea to many Irish homes in England.

   The Second Ring of Gold had, in twenty weeks, distributed £700 in prizes, and a similar sum had been allocated to the Renovation Fund, after paying all incidental expenses. It was a great tribute to what could be accomplished in a small district by a warm-hearted people, imbued with the great desire to make their Church worthy of the King of Kings. He thanked, most earnestly, all those who had helped in any way, and he expressed the hope that the Third Ring of Gold, starting on 8th Jan. would, if possible, be even more successful. He reminded intending members that they should enrol their names at once with any of their promoters, or with the Hon. Secs., Ring of Gold, Moone, Co. Kildare.
    Incidentally, Father Redmond referred to the magnificent response by the people of Moone parochial district to his special collection. In addition to subscribing to the Ring of Gold, he announced that the 250 households in the district had contributed the amazing sum of £1,200, in four weeks, to the Renovation Fund. He believed that was an all-time record.
  He said that His Grace the Archbishop, Most Rev. Doctor McQuaid, who visited both the Church and Schools in Moone last week, had spoken in glowing terms of the people of Moone. He was highly pleased with the progress of the work of renovation, and with the improvements which he had seen. The Parish Priest, Very Rev. Father Cotter, had nothing but the highest praise for their loyalty, their devotion, and their unstinted generosity.
   “And in conveying my own appreciation,” said Father Redmond, “ I can never forget the wonderful help you have given me, and I shall always think of you as among the grandest and most generous people in this great country of ours, or indeed of any country in the world.”
    He concluded by thanking the Leinster Leader and the “Nationalist and Leinster Times” for their splendid and regular featuring of their advertisements and announcements throughout the year. These two papers were most helpful, and he could realise their extensive circulation and widespread popularity from the many responses received in answers to their advertisements, and from the frequency with which he heard their editorial articles and news items quoted. Their managers, editors and staff were worthy of the highest credit and most deserving of their best thanks.
    Then, having conveyed the ever-old but ever-welcome wish, “A Happy Christmas and a Glad New Year” to everyone present, and to their friends who had helped in any way during the course of the year, the proceedings terminated to the echo of loud rounds of applause.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758