Three Kildare related pieces from the Freeman’s Journal:

1867:  Commission of Oyer and Terminer – Robbery of Jewellery – Mary Healy was indicted that she on the 2/11/1867 did steal a casket of jewellery the property of Major Simburne, 92nd Highlanders, then quartered at the Curragh. Michael Colgan, constabulary constable, said he had found jewellery with several persons who had previously been examined as witnesses to prove that the prisoner had sold articles to them. Mr Donegan of Dame-street proved that he had seen the prisoner in his establishment in November, wishing to dispose of gold etc. Found guilty. [Freeman’s Journal, 5/12/1867]

1868:  Statutory Notice to creditors – in the goods of Daniel Healy, late of Kilcock, shopkeeper, deceased: His will was probated and granted by the Court of  Probate to Rev. Thomas Geoghegan, PP and Edward Colgan, Esq, the executors named in the will. All persons with claims to send them to Rev Thos Geoghegan at Kilcock and Edward Colgan Esq at Clonsast, Co Kildare. [Freeman’s Journal, 24/1/1868]

1868:  Statutory Notice – re Daniel Healy, late of Kilcock, who by his will appointed Rev Thos Geoghegan, PP, Kilcock and Edward Colgan of Clonsast, executors and bequeath to them his house and garden attached and his house property in Kilcock known as Mr Kit Kelly’s upon trust for his wife during her life and thereafter to the RC bishop and PP of Kilcock for the purposes of establishing and maintaing a school for the poor of the parish; and also bequeathing the sum of £1,000 towards the completion of the new Roman Catholic Church of Kilcock and also £300 towards the establishment of the above new schools under the Christian Brothers, and also £300 to the RC Deaf and Dumb Institutions; and £150 to be invested in Government Funds, the interest on which is to be paid to the Kilcock PP for the purposes of the renewal of the family of said deceased on the list of the dead; also £300 to be invested, the interest to be distributed to the poor of Kilcock each Christmas Day; another £200 to the Sisters of Good Help, in Dublin, commonly called the Infirmarian Sisters; £300 to the religious community at George’s Hill Convent, Dublin, the interest therefrom to be applied to the poor in their charge; £50 for masses for himself and £100 towards a memorial window in the Catholic Church of Kilcock. [Freeman’s Journal, 24/1/1868]

Three Kildare related pieces from the Freeman’s Journal: Our thanks to John Colgan.
JohnColgan at would welcome all contributions, photographs of persons and residences included, on the Colgans of county Kildare and surrounding areas as an aid to his genealogy on Colgans generally.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758