24 November 1984.


I knew not the unknown warriors,
Who in famous battles fell,
But I know of unsung heroes,
Again their names I cannot tell,
To me these are the special ones,
Dedicated to a cause,
Who never seek the limelight,
Or received the wild applause.

Unsung heroes, those officials,
With such energy and drive,
Without their zeal and purpose,
No club could ever thrive.

When real success seems far away,
And hope is almost gone,
For them like stage performers,
The show must still go on.

Unsung Heroes, team selectors,
Well their seat is always hot,
When they win, they get no credit,
When they lose, they should be shot!

Just a thought for constant critics,
Who have all the problems solved,
Do sit a while and contemplate,
The work and stress involved.

Unsung Heroes, junior players,
In a club with higher grades,
Poor relations of the seniors,
Always living in their shade.
And when they have their triumphs,
How many others care or know,
But it is from little acorns,
That mighty oak trees grow.

Unsung Heroes, true supporters,
Strung out along the line,
When winter winds are chilling,
Or on summer days so fine.
They do instruct and criticise,
And see only green and white,
But if those were silent sidelines,
The trophies would be light.

Unlike the unknown warrior,
They do not like soldiers fall,
But always when the bugle blasts,
They rally to the cause.

So when you read this Sarsfields story,
Keep this little line in sight,
Were it not for Unsung Heroes,
There would be no history to write.


Joe Dunne, a former Sarsfields Club Secretary, County Board Delegate and County Minor Selector, composed this poem "Unsung Heroes".

A poem about the unsung heroes of the GAA by Joe Dunne, from the Leinster Leader GAA centenary edition of 24 November 1984

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758