Urbanization of Naas. First Meeting of the Council (Kildare Observer, 1900)


Urbanization of Naas. 



The first meeting of the newly constructed Urban Council of Naas was held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, at 12 o’clock, noon, Mr William Staples, chairman, presiding. The other councillors present were ― Messrs S J Brown, JP, CC; N J Flanagan, James Conway, Richard Sargent, William Quinn, H J Farrell.


The Clerk said that he had received from the Local Government Board the formal notification that no petition had been received against the proposal to create Naas an urban district, and accordingly the Order had now taken effect.


The Clerk said he wrote to the Local Government Board as follows:―

“Naas, March 24th, 1900.

“Gentlemen ― I am directed by the Town Commissioners to seek instructions from the Local Government Board on the following points ― (1) Under sec 50 of the Local Government Act, the proportion of the agricultural grant payable in respect of the agricultural land situated within the area of the newly constituted urban district is to be applied by the county council in manner directed by the order constituting the town an urban district for the relief of said lands from rates. The order constituting Naas an urban district contains no provision on the subject, and I am directed to inquire how the amount in question is to be applied by the county council. (2). The township is liable to a loan of £3,500 borrowed from the Commissioners of Public Works under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts. Will the sums necessary to pay interest and instalments of this loan be raisable by means of a uniform rate on buildings and land, or by means of a defferential rate on lands and buildings under section 60 of the Towns’ Improvement Act? (3) The township will be liable to its prper proportion of loans for labourers’ cottages, now a district charge (a) Naas, Newbridge and Burgage cemetery walls; also divisional charges (b) for Naas cemetery and Naas water supply scheme; electoral division charges (c) will the sums necessary to meet interest and principal on foot of the township proportion of these charges be raisable by means of poor rate or town rate? ― I am, &c,

“M GOGARTY, Town Clerk.”

To that he received the following reply:―

“Local Government Board, Dublin,

March 25th, 1900.

“Sir ― The Local Government Board for Ireland have had before them your letter of the 24th inst, containing enquiries in connection with the constitution of the town of Naas as an Urban District under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and with regard to the Agricultural Grant, I am to refer you to the Board’s letter of the 24th inst on this subject. With respect to the repayment of loans, I am to refer you to the provisions of section 46 (1) of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, from which you will derive that the expenses of the Council of an Urban County District, to be met out of the poor rate, are the expenses incurred in meeting the demands of the County Council or in connection with the poor rate. The expenses of the Council as an Urban Sanitary Authority are to be defrayed in the manner provided by the Public Health (Ireland) Acts, and the Board would refer you to sections 226 and 234 of the Act of 1878. ― I am, &c,

“H. M. SWAINS, Sec.”

Mr Brown said that letter did not contain an answer to their questions.

The Clerk said he had received the following letters:―

“Local Government Board, Dublin,

“24th March, 1900.

“Sir ― I am directed by the Local Government for Ireland to transmit, to be laid before the Town Commissioners of Naas, the accompanying copy of a letter which they have received from the Secretary the County Council of Kildare relative to the application of the Agricultural Grant in connection with the new Urban District of Naas, constituted under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898. I am at the same time to forward for the information of the Commissioners, a copy of a communication addressed by the Board to the County Council on the subject. ― I am, &c,

“D. J. MACSHEAHAN, Asst Sec.”

The following is a copy of the letter of the secretary of the Kildare Co Council sent to the Local Government Board:―

“Sir ― Having regard to the fact that the towns of Naas and Athy will be urban districts from 1st April, I would feel obliged by your letting me know what course I should adopt respecting the agricultural grant for this county in preparing the annual estimate under form 24. I do not find any directions on the subject in the orders constituting these towns into urban sanitary districts. If convenient, I would feel obliged for a reply in course of post, as the question of our estimate will be under consideration by our financial committee on Saturday morning. ― I am, &c,



The following is a copy of the Local Government Board’s reply referred to as having been sent to Mr Willis:―

“Local Government Board, Dublin,

“3rd March, 1900.

“Sir ― I am directed by the Local Government Board for Ireland to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd inst relative to the course you should adopt in preparing the estimate for the county of Kildare in connection with the agricultural grant in view of the constitution of the towns of Athy and Naas as urban sanitary districts under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and I am to state that as these towns become urban districts from the 1st April you should exclude from column 15 of form 24 of the county councils order the apportioned share of agricultural grant belonging to these urban districts. With reference to the application of the grant in connection with these new urban districts, I am to refer you to the terms of article 3 of the board’s orders of the 13th and 14th November last, and to state that this matter is one which must be determined by the new urban district councils and the county council in the manner provided by article 30 of the schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order in Council. The proper course, therefore, will be for each urban district council, when duly constituted, to convene a special meeting for the consideration of this subject, and they should inform the county council of the mode in which they propose to deal with the share of the agricultural grant apportioned to the urban district, and request them to assent thereto. ― I am, &c,


The following was received from the Valuation Office:―

“Sir ― As the Town of Naas has been constituted an urban district from the 1st April, prox, I am directed by the Commissioners of Valuation to forward to you this day (30th March) revised valuation lists which are to be used as the basis of rating for the present year. I am at the same time to attach a copy of instructions showing your duties as clerk of the urban district council in connection with the annual revision of the valuation. ― I am, &c.,

“ALFRED BECKETT, Chief Clerk.”

Mr Brown said that with reference to the question of the adjustment of rates, the county council passed a resolution to the effect that a conference be held between a committee of that body and a committee of the district council, and he now suggested that a committee should be appointed for the purpose.

On the motion of Mr Flanagan Messrs Staples and Farrell were appointed as a committee.


The following memorandum was received from the Local Government Board ―

(a) Urban District Councillors ― Town Commissioners who are in office on the 1st April, 1900, will continue in office as urban district councillors till the next annual election. The chairman of the Town Commissioners will continue to act as chairman of the urban district council. Members of the rural district council representing the urban electoral division or divisions will cease to be members of the rural district council, but will remain in office as guardians for these divisions.

(b) Finance and Adjustments ― The urban district council should at once make arrangements to confer with the rural district council and county council in reference to the adjustment of any property, liabilities, &c, under the terms of article 3 of the order constituting the urban district. In this connection the urban council should ascertain from the secretary of the county council the proportion (if any) of the agricultural grant payable in respect of any agricultural land now included in the urban district, and should come to an agreement with the county council as to the manner in which such grant is to be applied in relief from rates of the agricultural land so included in the urban area. The urban district council should also obtain from the county council information as to whether they have already struck poor rates on the area within the town, and if so the urban council should arrange for the collection of such rates. In the event of such rates not having been made it will be the duty of urban council on receiving the demand of the county council to make a rate as provided by section 51 (5), (6), (9) of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898. The Urban Council should note that section 46 of the Act provides that:― “The expenses of a council of an urban county district, if incurred in meeting the demands of the county council or in connection with the poor rate, shall be defrayed out of the poor rate. The expenses not above mentioned, but incurred by the council of an urban county district in relation to the business transferred to the council by or in pursuance of this Act, or otherwise in the execution of this Act, shall be defrayed out of the fund or rate out of which the cost of paving or cleansing the streets in sub-district are or can be defrayed, but shall be excluded in ascertaining any limit imposed by law upon such limit.”

(c) Roads ― From and after 1st April, 1900, the district roads within the urban area, under sec 27 (1) (b) of the Act, be under the control of the urban district council, and it will be open to them to agree with the county council, under sub-section (6) of the section, to undertake the management of any main road passing through the district. Current contracts for the portions of the roads coming under the control of the urban district council will continue in force until the contracts expire. The urban district Rules (a copy of which is annexed) provide for the appointment of a competent surveyor by the urban district council, and the council should, as soon as may be, proceed to such appointment. It will be open to the urban council to appoint either temporarily of permanently to this post the county surveyor on terms to be agreed upon with him, and it may probably be found advantageous for the urban district council to make at all events a temporary arrangement of this nature.

(d) Sanitary Affairs ― The Local Government Board will issue early in April a sanitary order prescribing the officers to be appointed by the urban sanitary authority and defining their duties.

(e) Accounts ― A copy of the District Accounts Order, 1899, is transmitted herewith, and the attention of the urban district council is called to the provisions of article 2 of the order. The Local Government Board consider that the forms specified in the list attached to the order are applicable in the circumstances described therein to urban district councils.

Mr Conway asked would the council appoint the county surveyor.

Mr Brown was in favour of doing so.

It was decided that a committee consisting of the chairman and Mr Farrell consult with Mr Glover with a view to arranging terms, &c.


The following was read:―

“Kingsbridge, Dublin, 24th March, 1900.

“Dear Sir ― Referring to your letter of the 15th inst, I beg to inform you that the next time the directors are down the line on inspection, they will examine the ground above Naas Station with a view to having it planted if thought desirable. ― I am, &c,

“F B ORMSBY, Sec.”

Mr Brown ― That’s a satisfactory reply.

Mr Farrell ― It is the only concession we have yet got from them (laughter).


In accordance with notice, Mr Brown moved “That a Volunteer Fire Brigade be established, and that the necessary hose and other appliances for the extinguishing of fire be provided.” In moving his resolution, Mr Brown said they now have a water supply, with hydrants at various points, and it would be an absurdity if they did now provide the necessary fire appliances. There never was a fire engine in the town, except an antiquated one at the barracks, which did useful service on several occasions. He had been making some inquiries on this subject, and he must express his acknowledgements to the captain (Mr Cary), and the secretary (Mr Hade), of the Carlow Volunteer Fire Brigade. Mr Cary estimated the expense of the hose at £86 and uniforms at £27, making a total of £118. It is possible, of course, that the estimates may be based on the requirements of Carlow, which is larger than Naas, and accordingly the expense for Naas may not be so large.

Mr Sargent thought the amount very high.

Mr Brown said 200 yards of hose had been estimated for at £60, and the cost of the cart, &c, at £17 10s. They would find that the estimate would not be much out. They had power, of course, to borrow for this purpose, and they could have the repayments spread over a long period. He thought there were plenty of young men in the town who would readily volunteer, as young men in Carlow and other towns had done.

Mr Sargent ― We spent a couple of hundred pounds extra in having the water tower built higher than was originally intended to meet this purpose.

Mr Brown ― Yes.

Mr Quinn ― It would be criminal if we did not provide now against the danger of fire.

Mr Farrell seconded Mr Brown’s motion, which was passed.

The following were then appointed a committee to consider the matter further ― Messrs Brown, Quinn, Farrell, and Flanagan.


On the motion of Mr Quinn, seconded by Mr Flanagan, it was decided that the council meet weekly in future, the day of meeting being Tuesday and the hour 11 o’clock am.


In accordance with notice Mr Brown moved ― That we, the urban council of Naas, request the Local Government Board for Ireland to make an order applying the provisions of the Local Government Act with respect to the duration of office of county councillors to this council, and that the next triennial election of councillors be held on 15th June, 1902.” It was optional with the Town Commissioners or the urban council to apply to the Local Government Board to have triennial elections instead of annual elections of a third of the body. He thought it would be an advantage to have the elections triennial when the whole of the commissioners could go out in a body and re-elections then take place. He could not be suspected of motive of his own in this proposition, as he having gone out at the last election he had now three years to run (laughter).

Mr Quinn seconded the resolution which was adopted.


On the motion of Mr Quinn, seconded by Mr Brown, it was decided to invite tenders for the repairing of the railings at the sheep fair green and for the painting of same.

The council then adjourned.


Note: Transcribed by Chris Holzgräwe, 12 March 2014. All mistakes remain as in original.


Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758