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Title: The Elephant Whisperer: Learning about life, loyalty and freedom from a remarkable herd of elephants Author: Lawrence Anthony Genre: Adult Non-Fiction, Zoology Reviewed by: Brian, Athy Library The Elephant Whisperer is a very unconventional book. It is not too often that you hear about somebody who can communicate with and develop a relationship with… Read more
Title: Strange Sally Diamond Author: Liz Nugent Genre: Fiction Reviewed by: Aoife, Leixlip Library Sally Diamond cannot understand why what she did was so strange. She was only doing what her father told her to do, to put him out with the rubbish when he died. Now Sally is the centre of attention, not only… Read more
What is the TTT Programme? The TTT Programme is designed to offer support to children and adults with learning difficulties, disabilities or more significant needs. Based in Athy, Leixlip and Naas libraries, a specialised collection of toys and assistive equipment can be accessed free of charge in branches throughout the county and can be borrowed… Read more
eMagazines and eNewspapers now available on BorrowBox! Read more