Let’s Talk About Parenting
The ‘Let’s talk about Parenting’ Programme is a FREE series of talks and workshops for Parents, and Professionals working with children and young people in County Kildare. Presently all our talks are being provided online.

The programme is provided by Kildare Library Service, is funded by Kildare County Council and is supported by Kildare CYPSC, TUSLA, Foroige and the multi-agency Kildare & West Wicklow Parenting Forum.

For more information on the Parenting Forum and the supports available in County Kildare visit www.parentingsupport.ie

March 2021 Events

Baby Sign Language – 4 week Course
Presented by Claire Glynn, Clever Little HandiesTuesdays 
March 2nd – 23rd 10.30am – 11.30am 
This class is for Parents of Young Babies. Teach your little one to communicate before they can talk with baby sign language and meet other mums in an informal setting. 
Book here via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/baby-sign-language-with-claire-glynn-tickets-141529054211 

Parent Self Care: Nutrition & Mental Health
Presented by the Wellness Clinic
Tuesday 2nd March 7pm
This will firstly cover the concept of “losing the guilt” around self-care which is so common for parents, realising that self-care is essential, not a luxury. Then we will cover nutrition basics and how nutrition benefits mental health. We will look at sleep and its role in keeping body and mind healthy and share some tips for restorative rest, even if your sleep is disturbed by little ones!  We will practise mindful breathing techniques which help to lower blood pressure, calm ourselves and destress during a busy day. Lastly we will discuss healthy lifestyle habits and take any questions from the group to answer live.  
Book here via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/parents-self-care-nutrition-and-mental-health-tickets-141944414565   

Handling Anxiety in Children & Teenagers 
Presented by Stella O’Malley
Friday 12th March 10.30am
Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in Ireland today, not only that, but anxiety is often contagious and so anxiety can infect the whole family. Anxiety is often described as an over-estimation of the danger and an under-estimation of your ability to cope. This talk provides helpful tips and strategies for parents to teach their perspective and help their children feel more able to cope. 
Booking here via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/handling-anxiety-in-parents-teenagers-tickets-141529220709  

Thinking better in a Crisis & Covid 19 for Parents 
Presented by Helen Vaughan, Maynooth Counselling Service
Thursday 18th March 7pm 
How to think better through a crisis as a parent – dealing with negative self-talk, common thinking errors that can fuel stress/anxiety, the challenges of being a parent during lockdown, learning to spot anxiety in yourself (physical symptoms & behaviour), the science of stress, why it happens and how to become less stressed for you & your family. 
Booking here via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/thinking-better-in-a-crisis-handling-anxiety-self-care-during-covid-19-tickets-141529910773 

Young People and Substance Use
Presented by Darren Shanahan, Foroige
Thursday 25th March 7pm 
How can parents discourage their teenagers from using drugs and have honest conversations with them? This interactive workshop explores what substances are used by young people as well as some of the reasons why they might choose to experiment or not. The webinar will also cover how to start the conversation early about drugs and alcohol. There will be an option for parents to ask questions and seek support too. Darren is a Youth Officer with Foróige Drug Prevention & Education Initiative for Kildare & West Wicklow. 
Booking here via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/young-people-substance-use-tickets-141530648981
Online services during Coronavirus
You can join the library online and get eBooks, eAudiobooks, online magazines and newspapers for free straight away, or even take language and other courses. Just Click Here!

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