Some of our more eagle eyed users (or the ones who love logging into their account to request items) may have noticed that Kildare Library Service has a brand new website which has launched this past week. The website was created to look slicker, more visually immersive and to create a more centralised menu, with the majority of actions available in the top tab panel and the front page in general.

As with anything new, we invite to you visit the website and have a play around with it, but we will go through a few main features with you in this blog post.

The very top black panel displays our social media links and customer care numbers while the white block with tabs just below it has all the main areas you may be looking for. For example, it features a drop down menu called ‘Libraries‘ that displays all our libraries, which you can click into to book a browsing slot, get individual contact details and more. There are also options to be redirected to join the library, information on our newsletter and how to sign up for it, and the all important events calendar. The things you will likely be using most, are also displayed along this top section including Login, eServices and the search bar.

To login into your borrower account to check return dates, renew items and order new ones there is a tab called ‘Login/Logáil isteach‘ to click, and you can use the ‘eServices’ drop-down menu to find the more popular eServices such as BorrowBox, but to open a full menu of eServices you need only click on the tab itself. One of the changes you’ll notice is that there is no need to click on a ‘catalogue’ option to search the catalogue, but just use the search bar to the top right of the screen. If you’d prefer the main catalogue page with it’s associated filters etc, you can scroll down the page and select the Catalogue box.

New features include a scrolling image with some recent news and other links which appears right below the tabs mentioned. There’s also a FAQ section and further information about Kildare Libraries and Arts further down the mainpage. Towards the very bottom of the page, there are links to some recent blog content. If you’re reading this particular post as a subcriber to the blog, you will already be familiar with these articles, but for library users using the website for the first time, or if you are reading this post after clicking on a link on one of our social media pages, welcome to our blog and we hope you enjoy!

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