Title: Get a Life, Chloe Brown

Author: Talia Hibbert

Genre: Contemporary novel. Romance. Fiction.

Review by: Chantelle, LCA Intern for Library HQ

Synopsis: Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan that she vows to tick off her “to-do-list”. The list’s goal is to help her ‘Get a Life’. And who better to help her get a life than the man across from her building? Redford Morgan is not just a superintendent to the building complex Chloe Brown lives in. He’s also the perfect teacher with his tattoos and a motorbike.

Now she just needs him on board with her plan to get a life.

Review: Chloe Brown is chronically ill and works online, from the safe confines of her couch. She’s always been inside the safety of a box, never venturing out to do much of anything.

That all changes when she makes a list with the heading, ‘Get a Life’. Now Chloe is determined to do just that. But in order to tick off a few of the boxes she needs Redford’s help.

The two didn’t kick off to a great start. In fact, Redford pretty much loathes or in the very least, dislikes Chloe Brown. Why should he help the infuriating woman?

But Redford needs something from Chloe and in exchange for her expertise, he agrees to help her.

Soon however, Chloe begins to think of more possibilities that she could ever have fathomed. Objectives that she’d never even thought to write on her list.

Her plan to live a life begins to warp and shape around Redford Morgan.

Now the only question is, Can she follow through?

Get a life, Chloe Brown, is an incredibly amusing, romantic, enrapturing novel to kick back with and read. It is also a very appropriate novel for our times as so many of us have been in our own “box” through the pandemic. Now emerging is far more daunting that we may every have anticipated. This is a wonderful novel that reminds us that living is way more important and fun than mere existence.

If you like the sound of this book, place a request on it on our Library Catalogue and you will be top of the list when copies start arriving into libraries nationwide.

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