Title: The Choice

Author: Nicholas Sparks

Genre: Contemporary Adult Fiction, Romance.

Review by: Chantelle, LCA Intern for Library HQ

Synopsis: Travis Parker has everything a man could possibly want: a good job, loyal friends, a home in small-town North Carolina. He is adamant a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his lifestyle.

That is until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family, The Choice begs the question: How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

Review: The Choice is an excellent read with humour, adventure, and gut-wrenching scenes.

It follows the lives of two people. Travis Parker and Gabby Holland.

He’s a vet. She works in a hospital.

She’s convinced his dog has “knocked up” her poor, sweet, innocent Molly–her dog.

Travis knows for a fact his dog didn’t do the crime, not that his neighbour gave him the chance to explain.

That’s the kick-off moment for their relationship.

Travis is cute and adores his family and spends his days as carefree as humanly possible.

He never thought himself deprived or his life lacking for anything crucial until Gabby Holland quite literally storms into his life late one night.

Gabby is pondering her relationship with her long time boyfriend and so is not ready to deal with her insufferable neighbour or his miscreant of a dog.

But that doesn’t stop the burning attraction between these two adults.

The two dance around each other, hopelessly and wildly falling for each other before either of them could even think to blink.

Their love burns bright and strong but is pushed to the brink when fate throws a sucker punch their way.

Travis is forced to confront their affection for one another. The question he must ask himself is: Is he able to let her go? How far can love truly stretch?

This contemporary novel is very relatable. The situations the characters face are at times both funny and painful. The decisions they have to make and the emotional turmoil it causes is all too real. The Choice is definitely worth reading and was adapted into a movie in 2016. But grab the novel before heading over to watch the movie. As we all know – books are way better than movies!!

If you fall in love with this author, be sure to check out The Notebook, another great read from the pen of Nicholas Sparks.

If you like the sound of this book, place a request on it on our Library Catalogue for pick-up at your nearest branch.

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