For a nation of great talkers, how do we really ask and really listen? 

Hello, How Are You? is a simple yet effective mental health promotion campaign developed by Mental Health Ireland, that encourages people to say ‘Hello’ and ask ‘How, Are You?’ The concept of the Hello, How are you? Campaign is to ask with meaning, and to really listen to the person’s response.

The campaign breaks down the steps: HE.L.L.O.(H: Hello E: Engage L: Listen L: Learn and O: Options) which supports people to reach out, say hello and ask how are you?

Mental Health Ireland has coproduced a suite of resources to provide people with the tools and confidence to genuinely ask Hello, How Are You? and really listen to the response, as well as how to support and signpost someone to appropriate services or agencies if needed.

This grass-roots campaign was started by Carlow Mental Health Association in 2015. It has evolved over a number of years & has engaged communities, workplaces, schools and colleges. The concept grew and was introduced to the counties Mayo, Meath & Westmeath in recent years.

Responding to the recent survey conducted by Healthy Ireland, which shows 81% of recipients showed lower levels of social connectedness* in recent times, Mental Health Ireland has developed this campaign to start conversations, encouraging greater social connection.

It is also proven that people are six times more likely to reach out to someone who might be experiencing a personal difficulty, compared to those who have not engaged in a similar campaign**.

On 7th April 2022, Mental Health Ireland is inviting the country to say ‘Hello’, and ask ‘How, Are You?’, and to really listen to the answer.

Jo Donohoe, Mental Health Promotion Manager at Mental Health Ireland, explained: “There are lots of ways you can get involved on April 7th, the national Hello, How Are You ? Day.

We are asking community groups, workplaces and organisations across the country to join us, get involved and host an event such as a coffee morning, a walk or a workshop.

No event is too small to start conversations and to say Hello, How Are You?”

As an individual, you could pick up the phone and call a family member or friend or meet someone for coffee, while using tools and resources that can be downloaded from our website.

We are a nation of great talkers! Let’s make those conversations even more meaningful on April 7th

For more ideas on events and how to get involved visit

Check in with your local Kildare library to enquire about what is happening on the day and how we will be promoting the Hello, How Are You ? campaign on April 7th.

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