Have you got some time to Squeeze In A Read with us on February 25th 2022? Ireland Reads is an annual campaign to get the whole of Ireland Reading.

Join us and take the pledge this February to squeeze in a read! It doesn’t matter how long you read for or what you read, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an avid reader, a reluctant reader, a lapsed reader or a new reader, this campaign is for you.

Reading offers a way to escape and keep mentally active, and to lift our mood, and it doesn’t have to be a solitary experience –you might use reading to connect with friends and family, read with children or with book club.   The website www.irelandreads.ie has been set up where you can pledge to read on ‘Ireland Reads’ Day, 25 February.

The website also offers book recommendations, suited to a person’s interests and the time they have available. There are more than 800 recommendations from librarians all around the country. The website will even work out how long it will take to finish the book recommendation – like a couch to 5k but for books! 

As part of the campaign, Libraries Ireland, NALA, Publishing Ireland and Bookselling Ireland are pleased to present a special online event to explore the power of words and help you find your voice, lose yourself, and take comfort in reading.

Join Bob Johnston, owner of the Gutter Bookshop, in conversation on the power or reading with:

  • Rick O’Shea, broadcaster and book lover
  • Shauna Gilligan, writer and adult literacy teacher
  • Laura McKenna, author of Words to Shape My Name
  • Mary Reynolds, Longford County Librarian

This event will be a celebration of reading and writing, and losing and finding yourself in words. It will include some audio segments from men in Portlaoise prison, and a contribution from author and Ireland Reads Ambassador Marian Keyes.

Celebrate reading and all the benefits it can have by joining this event ahead of Ireland Reads Day 2022.

This event is fully accessible to the deaf community with ISL interpreter from Bridge Interpreting.

You can book your tickets here free of charge

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