Kildare County Council is delighted to confirm that Kildare Readers Festival will return to venues across the county from Monday, 2nd October to Sunday, 8th October 2023.

‘OÃche Airneál’ sa Leabharlann
Wed 4 Oct 2023 19:00 – 20:00
Naas Community Library, W91 A997
BÃgà linn i Leabharlann Nás na RÃogh le haghaidh ‘OÃche Airneál’ sa Leabharlann; oÃche spreagúil comhrá, filÃochta, amhránaÃochta agus ceoil i nGaeilge. Beidh Seán de Paor ina óstach ar an ócáid. Beidh Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin, údar, file agus Laureate na nÓg, Ãine Nà Ghlinn, ina dteannta ar an oÃche. Beidh ceol le linn na hoÃche ag ealaÃontóirà cumasacha áitiúla, Nuala Mac Lochlainn agus muintir Uà Mhórdha.
Join us in Naas Library for an ‘Social Night’ in the Library; an exciting evening of Irish conversation, poetry, song and music.
Book your free ticket here.
An Tolg Liteartha
Wed 4 Oct 2023 19:00 – 20:00
Riverbank Arts Centre, W12 D962
Mórimeacht liteartha na Gaeilge ag a gcuirfidh an sárchraoltóir, Tristan Rosenstock (RTÉ), agallamh ar bhuaiteoirà na nGradam Foilsitheoireachta 2023 – Gradam Réics Carló (Leabhar na Bliana don Léitheoir Óg); Gradam Uà Shúilleabháin (Leabhar na Bliana don Léitheoir Fásta); agus Gradam de Bhaldraithe (Leabhar na Bliana do Shaothar Aistrithe go Gaeilge ó theanga eile). Mar chuid den ócáid, labhróidh Tristan leis na criticeoirà an Dr. Liam Mac Amhlaigh & an tOllamh TrÃona Nà ShÃocháin (NUIM) maidir leis na leabhair buacacha agus cúrsaà litrÃochta na Gaeilge trà chéile. Arna eagrú ag Leabharlanna Chill Dara i gcomhpháirt le hOllscoil Mhá Nuad, An tOireachtas agus RTÉ.
Book your free ticket here.
Full Programme and Social Media
The full programme of events and participating venues for Kildare Readers Festival 2023 is available on and I will do more of these in-depth posts as we get closer to the festival.
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