The Let’s Talk About Parenting programme offers a series of free talks and workshops throughout the year, aiming to support parents, families, and professionals working with children in Kildare. All events are free to attend for library members, but booking is required. If you haven’t signed up yet for library membership, just click here for our membership form – it’s free to join!
There are events to support children of all ages, from the early to the teen years, and all events are facilitated by qualified professionals. If you are attending events in order to support your professional development, certificates of attendance are available on request.
Examples of topics covered in previous events include:
- Supporting your child/teen’s emotional wellbeing
- Tackling burnout – self-care for parents
- Sibling rivalry
- Family finances
- Baby sign language
- First-aid for parents
- Nutrition
- And many more!
For the latest events brochure, you can visit the Kildare Libraries website here! You can also sign up to our monthly email newsletter to keep up to date with all of the great events taking place in your local library. If you don’t have time to attend events in person, or to attend live online events, you can also check out the Parenting Programme Vimeo Channel, where you can view recorded talks at any time.
We wouldn’t be able to provide this wonderful service without the valuable support we receive from the following agencies and organisations:
- HSE Primary Care Psychology Team
- TUSLA Child and Family Agency
- Kildare County Childcare Committee
- The Kildare & West Wicklow Parenting Forum
- The Kildare Child and Young People Services Committee
Check out the latest Parenting Programme blog posts below