Title: Ghosts from the Other Realm

Author: Mario Corrigan

Genre: Childrens 9-12

Review by: Orla, Kildare Town Library

If you hear someone say ‘Boo’, I hardly think it will frighten you. But how would you react if you hear a ghost say it? Maybe you will naively think a ghost called Boo could be as friendly as Casper the Ghost? Four kids, Leo, Zoe, Richie and Lily foolishly believe Boo is a good-natured ghost and could possibly become a good friend to them.

The four kids are loyal friends. They also have an adventurous streak. Richie jokes they are like the Famous Five, except they don’t have a dog. Curiosity gets them into trouble. They boldly veer off course on a school trip to Castlecomer Discovery Park. It is Boo who leads the gang astray. While taking part in orienteering, Boo eggs them on to go into a deserted, underground mine. They quickly learn that Boo tricks them, and suddenly he turns sinister.

Boo’s bellowing and taunting disrupts the peace in the mine. His fiendish shrills awaken spirits who were not amused to be woken from the dead. Many of the spirits and ghosts had suffered a terrible death and hold a grudge. Petrifyingly, the kids don’t know if they will make it out alive. They hear ‘a scream that would give a banshee a run for her money.’

Their teacher, Miss Brídín Broughall, intuitively knows something is a-miss. She is kind and understanding. She is sympathetic, after all she had her own encounters with spirits as a child roaming the tunnels underneath Kildare Town. She is scared out her wits when the four friends go missing. (if you want to read more about Brídin’s adventures when she was younger I would highly recommend you read another book by the same author Do Fish Wear Pyjamas).

They need to stop the ghost, named Boo, before he causes any more havoc. They can’t trust him. Before all hell breaks loose, they know they must stop Boo and take away his power. They also need to be wary of the gate keeper, Jartin. He too has done despicable deeds as a human. The children soon realise not all ghosts or spirit animals are bad. The occasional spirit redeems himself and becomes benevolent.

This book is peppered with lots of fun historical facts and shows what it was like to live in earlier times. Mario Corrigan brings history alive in this captivating book. Strongbow and St. Brigid are mentioned as well as other prominent historical figures. It is fascinating to learn how Kildare’s famous landmarks were established. This spine-chilling read will make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Whether you are a history buff, enjoy spooky tales or simply love a good story, this book is a must read.

If you’d like to read this book you can order it on our library catalogue for pick-up at your nearest branch.

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