Kildare Libraries is running a Summer Stars Book Review Competition every week for the months of July and August. Download your Book Review Sheet by clicking the button below.

Each week entrants can email their review into their local Kildare Library and one winner will be chosen every week for a prize. Let’s get reading!

Terms & Conditions

  1. This competition is open to children living in Kildare.
  2. Book Reviews can be on any book the child has read. Pictures are encouraged.
  3. Book Reviews must be completed on the Book Review sheet available on the Kildare Library website.
  4. The competition is open for entries from 1st July to 31st August.
  5. Entrants can submit as many entries as they wish.
  6. All entries to be submitted in digital copy (e.g. Word, email, photos or other) to the entrant’s local library by Thursday at 5pm each week. Hard copies will not be eligible.
  7. Please use ‘Summer Stars Book Review’ as the subject line of the email.
  8. Entrants should include first name only and age on the book review sheet and a guardian’s phone number in the email (for contact if the entrant wins). This information will only be available to the Kildare Library staff. This information will only be kept for the duration of the competition.
  9. Any Book Reviews received after 5pm on Thursdays will be eligible for the following week’s competition.
  10. Each library will select one book review to shortlist and will email this to Library HQ by Friday at 11am each week. The Acquisitions Librarian or a proxy will select an overall winner each week on Friday, by 5pm. The last prize will be awarded on Friday, 4th September.
  11. The winner will be announced across our social media and will be contacted by Library HQ.
  12. The book voucher will be posted to the winning entrant.
  13. There will be no correspondence with the judges and no feedback provided to individual entrants.
  14. The decision of the judges is final.
  15. Entries will be uploaded to Kildare Libraries Social Media.

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