Co Kildare Federation Of Local History Societies Event – Saturday 19 October

All County Kildare historians – and even those with a passing interest – are invited to a history rally in Kilcullen Heritage Centre on Saturday morning (19 October).
The event hosted by the Co Kildare Federation of Local History Societies brings historians from throughout the county together to update the public on the latest research. The programme begins at 10AM in the Heritage Centre and Theatre in Main Street, Kilcullen with a presentation by Kill native Noel Cocoman on the topical letters of John Devoy. This year marks the centenary of Devoy’s return to his native area of Kill and Naas after years in exile in the United States where he was the chief agent of Irish republicanism.
Later there will be a dazzling presentation by Sean Sourke who has mastered the techniques of 3-D photogrammetry to show County Kildare landmarks in a way never seen before. The morning will conclude with bite-sized reports from the history groups in the county, giving updates on their vigorous programmes of talks and walks helping locals discover the stories that make the Short-Grass county such a fascinating place in which to live.
Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.